It seems like as every time we think we have resolved or at least developed a strategy for one problem, another one arises. Mosby’s wound seems to be healing, but starting yesterday he developed tummy issues, that have yet to resolve. He obviously feels awful and needs to go out a lot. Or else he lays there and whines. And, of course, repeated squatting on one leg is taking a toll on him. The good news is that we went to the vet today to get his CBC, and his white blood cell count is normal. Platelets are a little down, but the vet did not seem concerned. When I mentioned his tummy issues, the vet said that can be a symptom of the antibiotic he’s on – which we switched to due to the wound infection. He gave me a probiotic to give to Mosby once a day, so I have given him that, but things have not resolved. I just want my poor boy to feel better. We are going to try giving him some pumpkin with dinner and hope that helps.
Today was a holiday at my work, although I worked at home and also had to attend a committee meeting for a nonprofit I’m on the board of, so I brought Mosby along to the meeting. The nonprofit is horse-related, so there are lots of dog people, but Mosby’s also just a great citizen in general. He greeted everyone sweetly, and then laid down on the bed I brought and snoozed through the meeting.

So far his appetite doesn’t seem to be affected, but he’s obviously miserable, and I just wish I could fix it. A lot of days it seems like we just keep getting kicked while we’re down. I hope that there are good days ahead.

So sorry that Mosby is not feeling well. It will get better….I would say to give him a treat – but maybe that’s not such a good idea. Hugs to all of you.
Well, he’s still been getting little treats. Hard not to give him treats when he’s feeling bad!
THERE ARE GOOD DAYS AHEAD! Royal still has Tummy problems and he too is on forti flora because of the antibiotic. Have you considered a harness with a handle to help him squat? Or maybe a towel underneath him? Don’t know what else might help. When royals stomach was upset I made him boiled chicken/hamburger with the fat washed out mixed with rice and the probiotic. It did the trick after a day or two to settle his stomach as long as you stick to the bland diet and avoid treats and table scraps. Royal will be at two weeks since his surgery on Thursday and still has tummy issues. We switch him to a bland diet with the forti flora when he does get diarrhea from his antibiotics still. Hang in there! At night i put newspaper in front of the door because I wouldn’t always wake up and he had an accident or two. Glad you two got to spend some good quality time together! Sometimes all we can do on the bad days is give them plenty of TLC, affection, and if we can entertainment (royals favorites are bones or playing games). Keep us posted!
Love and licks,
Royal, mike, and lauren
Thanks. We are trying to stick to the bland diet as much as possible, plus the forti flora. He was ok with the first antibiotic, just not the new one, and I wish we could get him off of it. Unfortunately, he hasn’t really felt like playing with his bones since he got his first chemo 1.5 weeks ago. We do have a harness to help hold him, although he prefers to try to do it on his own. Hopefully he’ll bounce back from the tummy issues like Royal does!
First of all, I could look at photos all day long a d never tire of seeing that sweet boy!! Mosby is a very special dog…but you already know that 🙂 Colonel Mosby defines “Good Citizen”!
So sorry he’s having tummy issues. I’ve seen many on the site mention “clay” as a successful “treatment” for diarrhea.’ I’ve not used it myself, but it’s certainly something you can discuss with your Vet.
Here’s a link to Amazon that will show a lot of different products. Just throwing it out there.*Version*=1&*entries*=0&ie=UTF8
It is good that he’s hungry! You mentioned whining. Does he seem to be in pain, or just miserable because he has to keep going out to pee? Is he staying hydrated?
I KNOW these uos and downs are soooo frustrating! It’s certainly one reason we call the recovery phase a roller coaster ride!
Hopefully we can get the diarrhea taken care of and then Mosby can get in with feeling better and better and gette ALL his sparkle back big-time! 🙂
And btw, Mosby apparently thought the “meeting” was so boring he had to sleep through it!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
PS. Thanks for volunteering to help the magnificent Horse!
Thanks. The clay may be worth looking into. The vet we’ll see again on Thursday has a partner who also does holistic veterinary medicine (she gave us stasis breaker last week), so she might have input on that, if he’s still having issues. I’m sad that Mosby didn’t have tummy issues from the chemo — it’s caused by an antibiotic later in the cycle. I do think the whining is caused by the discomfort — he starts whining when he needs to go out again, sort of a whine with each breath he takes. Then he may be ok for an hour or two.